Israelul a atacat aerian estul şi sudul Libanului, potrivit agenţiei naţionale libaneze de presă. Atacul Israelului a vizat Hezbollah şi în special rutele de contrabandă de la frontiera cu Siria, relatează o agenție internațională de presă.
The main concept of the text is that Israel has carried out fresh airstrikes against targets in eastern and southern Lebanon, specifically targeting Hezbollah's supply routes for arms smuggling to Syria.
These strikes occured despite a ceasefire agreement reached after a two-month war between Israel and Hezbollah. Israel justifies the attacks as necessary to maintain the ceasefire mechanisms, while Hezbollah and Lebanon condemn the violation of the truce.
The main concept of the text is that Israel has carried out fresh airstrikes against targets in eastern and southern Lebanon, specifically targeting Hezbollah's supply routes for arms smuggling to Syria. These strikes occured despite a ceasefire agreement reached after a two-month war between Israel and Hezbollah. Israel justifies the attacks as necessary to maintain the ceasefire mechanisms, while Hezbollah and Lebanon condemn the violation of the truce.